These are just a few of them, and you’ll certainly find even more hidden synergies when you actually play with this precon. I am looking for suggestions for Commander precon decks that are both beginner friendly and reasonably powerful. I often teach new players, so I am looking to get at least three different decks that I can lend out for play sessions. Once you get the gravy train rolling, it’s trivially easy to activate Kinnan over and over, putting cards such as Nezahal, Primal Tide or Hullbreaker Horror into play for free.
Eternal Might, a white-blue-black deck, wants to go wide by swinging with an army of Zombies. Temmet, Nakatamun’s Will grows your undead horde every time you draw a card. The Foundations Starter Collection has plenty of ghoulish goodies for this deck. Chart a Course will boost your Zombies by +2/+2 and can let you discard a Zombie to recur if you cast it before combat.
Draconic Destruction Tokens
If you like to be a bit of an annoyance to your opponents, you’re going to enjoy this deck. When you play, you like to have interesting things to happen, and you especially like cool random events. You don’t mind keeping track of various things happening during the game. You don’t get angry if the odds aren’t in your favor, as long as you’re doing something awesome.
I want to try to make his experience worth it so I want to ask what kind of deck would a new player find easier to play with? It’s very expensive at seven mana, but it sure does deliver a powerful ability, which works nicely with the dealing damage theme. Whenever your opponent cast a spell, you’ll be able to deal some damage. The other 26 creatures are Zombies, and will take advantage of various payoffs your deck has to offer. You have a bunch of strong Zombie tribal cards, for example Liliana’s Mastery, Cemetery Reaper, and Gravespawn Sovereign.
The Guide to Your First Prerelease with Aetherdrift
First, Kardur’s ability makes opponents attack other players than you. If you’re the only other player, that can be a bit counterproductive, although certainly not useless. Each deck also has another legendary creature, which you can swap the main commander with. On offence, you’ll get a power boost, and on defense a toughness boost. Most of the Commander decks nowadays are tied to a specific set, which can make them quite complex, and therefore, not so beginner-friendly. Starter Commander aren’t bound to any specific set or plane, and can thus have more simple themes and cards.
This sans-green list is one of the most, if not the most, popular competitive EDH decks. Jumping straight to Tymna the Weaver and Kraum, Ludevic’s Opus is something of a bold move, I would say, but it is a defensible one. It’s the deck I would recommend if you’re coming specifically from playing Modern or Legacy as your main Magic background. You get to play a wide range of the most powerful cards in the format, missing only green cards (which I would personally consider to be the worst of the five colors). You have two very strong card advantage engines in the command zone to fall back on, ensuring that you have options. Your mana mix will be difficult to navigate at times but still not as tough as if you were playing Najeela, the deck I used to recommend to more advanced players.
There are two other legendary creatures in the deck, both neither Drakuseth, Maw of Flames nor Verix Bladewing have Green in on the cards. This means that they can’t be your commanders unless you swap all Green cards in the deck with Red ones. After learning how to play, you can put those skills to the test on the racetrack at Aetherdrift Prerelease events! These let you be among the first to play with the cards from Aetherdrift in a casual, friendly environment. We’ve got your guide to Aetherdrift Prerelease events right here, so get ready to pull ahead of the competition at your local game store. This may mtg combo be a bit cliche, but I will say that the best cEDH deck for any beginner is whatever will grab them and keep them playing cEDH.
You also don’t want to endanger your creatures, but you’d prefer if they could get over the opposing defenses. You also want to be in control of the game – it should play out in a way that you imagine, and without too much randomness. Ideally the decks would be approachable and easy to understand, but have a bit of extra depth for more experienced players. Some things show up in nearly every Magic release, like +1/+1 counters! Aetherdrift’s District Mascot can grow on its own and use those counters to destroy artifacts, but why not kick that growth into overdrive with Biogenic Upgrade? Counters are a rich part of Magic gameplay, so you’re likely to encounter cards that care about them in every set.
Competitive Commander is a shockingly complicated format, so it’s not easy to find the best cEDH decks for beginners. One of the ways to alleviate some of the issues you may have in adapting to this environment is choosing the correct deck. You can choose one that plays to your strengths, one that will teach you something about Magic or the cEDH metagame, or you can just try to keep your head above water. Aura and/or Equipment cards are a great way to empower creatures and give them abilities that can turn the tide of battle. Equipment cards are almost always colorless artifacts, but Auras can be found in all five colors. White decks are able to take advantage of Auras and often have cards for getting equipment on the field/attached to creatures.
Speaking of Hullbreaker Horror, you can use it, Tidespout Tyrant, OR Basalt Monolith to create infinite mana, easily winning the game from that state. Kinnan being so cheap and so central to the deck’s plan also makes this deck a much less decision-heavy option than several of the others listed here. It doesn’t hurt that it keeps taking down cEDH tournaments. Check out more epi commander decks in the related products below. Alternatively, you can check out all of our Magic products by clicking on the button below. Slivers are a unique creature type in that they all have effects that assist each other when played.
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If you are a resident of California, you have the right under the CCPA to opt out of the sale of personal information to third parties. Use the options below to exercise this right, and please review our privacy policy for complete information on how your data is used and stored. Four-player Commander battles featuring a new theme every week. I want to begin to play commander and need some advice about the best commanders. Right out of the box, Trostani is probably a better option. However, if you plan to change the deck, and build with landfall in mind, Maja can certainly do some work.
Maybe some of the above decks I’ve outlined appealed to you, maybe they didn’t. You don’t have to steer by cEDH tier lists when you’re learning. We don’t have a full Yuriko primer on Commander’s Herald yet, but you can read an exhaustive breakdown of all the best ninjutsu enablers right here. Commander games are longer than other formats, and making sure you always have creatures on the board is a big priority. White and green decks are known for generating creature tokens that can quickly flood the battlefield.